We recognize that not every church has the budget to hire a full-time designer. But that doesn’t mean that your church has to settle for boring graphics.

You are a herald of the most important story ever told, yet we often don’t prioritize sharing that story in one of the most important ways - visually. Humans are visual people and our attention spans are now less than that of a pet fish. If you don’t hook us quick, we’ll move on to the next thing.

90% of information transmitted to our brain is visual, so what people see when we communicate is crucial. Visually appealing graphics are one of the best ways to capture attention, keep the attention, and promote retention in your church. Not just because you want to look cool, not because you’re trying to dress up and wow your audience, but because the story of Jesus and His love for us is worth telling the best way we can.

And that’s the heart behind Dwell Street. We do what we’re good at, designing killer graphic templates for sermons, social media, and church communications, and you get to do what you’re good at, serving your local body. You don’t have to hire a new staff member, you don’t have to spend precious hours teaching yourself how to use a design software. Subscribe to our growing library of resources, find the perfect templates for the work you are already doing, and see the difference it makes in your church - all for less than a dollar a day.



In April of 2022, I took the leap out of my full-time job as Communications Director at a growing church with a passion to serve and equip the “Capital C” Church in sharing the gospel in engaging and creative ways. I was lucky enough to be on a ministry staff with the budget to hire a designer, but if you’re a pastor or staff member at the average church, you know that the work of design and communication often falls into the lap of the person who can turn on their computer fastest. The heart of Dwell Street is to help you focus on the gifts the Lord has given you in serving your local body, while we do what we’re good at - purposeful creativity and beautiful design.

Creativity brings me life; Whether it's working on a new look for a sermon series, singing or leading worship, writing a silly story for kids, working on projects around the house with my wife, creating a new game with friends, or watching a movie, show, or reading a book. I’m always down for a good dream session and I love to share those experiences with others.

I’m so excited to share this experience with you as we work together to share the gospel in fresh ways in your church. I’m here to boost the work you’re doing for the Kingdom, and to shine the spotlight on Jesus every step of the way.